Sunday, January 14, 2007



Will there be any excuse made for or any mention of the two month intermission?

No. No there will not.

Indeed! Surely we are to expect some kind of apology?

No, there will be no apology of any kind whatsoever. You ought to thank me.

But I was so looking forward to the results from BLOG ROBOT.


At this point, Dinky adds:

"Hi, Dinky here. Look, all we were going to do was make some lame jokes based around the 'fun' you c
an have by contrasting very different phrases that can fit into the same sentence. This sometimes produces silly combinations. For example, instead of:

"During the lunch hour, Dolly and I got down to the latest tunes from Natasha Bedingfield."


"During the Cretan bronze age, Dolly and I got down to the latest tunes from Natasha Bedingfield."

or, if you like:

"During the lunch hour, Dolly and I got down to the latest tunes from J. S. Bach."

(Again, this would probably be funnier if it was a sixties prog-rock band, or something, but we don't know any.)

Quite frankly, it was more effort than it was worth. Oh, and the other thing I was going to mention was that pushing the sliders to their limits causes some really strange things to happen. For example, dragging the right-on-ness slider all the way to the right will cause BLOG ROBOT to print

It's just political correctness gone mad.

every four sentences. There - look I've pretty much done it all anyway now. Don't you know I've got seasonal vegetables to get in?



Thanks for rescuing me there, Dinky. Sorry - i was getting a bit ragged for a moment, wasn't I.

Say, did anyone get one of those round robin letters over Christmas telling you how perfect someone else's family is? Who you probably barely know? Yes... that's what we'll do. We'll let you know how we've been getting on. Now, *that* you need to see.

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