Saturday, September 16, 2006


Blog robot

Some good news: today, I received an email from Natalia Wurnz, the editor of WR:TW. They've offered to help us "improve" (her word) our blog by beta-testing their new BLOG ROBOT - the software that writes your blog for you. I've decided to accept the offered olive branch (although WR:TW still insist that our review will remain as originally published). As soon as we get it uploaded (the CD's in the post, apparently) then we'll give it a test drive.

I'm pleased to be able to say that Dinky will be turning his expert eye to the new software for us. In an upcoming serialisation (a bit like Quantum Leap or Vanity Fair), he will discuss the BLOG ROBOT code, its operation and present some results.

Personally, I'm a little sceptical about the idea. Specifically, I imagine that we've been asked to try this out because no one else will. All the same, we're going to give it a go.

does the robot write science brevia as well?

You're a legend and this blog is hilarious.

I'm afraid that the scale of the Nixeysoft codebase now means that a cassette is no longer a viable option for you Hugo. Your only way into Skynet-Nixey is via blue-ray - embrace the future.

Am subscribed and awaiting the clearly overdue upgrade to Blog-robot.
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