Thursday, August 31, 2006


Pluto loses its planetary status

Hi everyone. Dave Antares here.

Yes.. Perhaps not the best publicity, but all publicity's good publicity, right?

Anyway, it's been a few days since our last post, my ankle's better, and so it's time to put drop some up-to-the-minute prose. What I have to say is topical, trendy and, above all, insightful and wise. Oh yes - switching to Sans Serif font for maximum impact...

Australian umpire Darrell Hair, already unpopular with the Pakistan cricket team, has been at it again. This time he cast the deciding vo
te at the International Astronomical Union, condemning Pluto to dwarf planet status.

Pluto (left) relegated to dwarf planet. GFC says: It was Darrell Hair (right) wot done it...

A spokesman for Pluto was unavailable for interview.

(Oh - I'd better get some political comment in there, hadn't I...)

GFC says: "This Pig's dinner over Pluto only serves to illustrate the failings of Blair's Britain."

Meanwhile, in Entertainment, win tickets to see M
C Hammer live at the Colchester Auditorium on October 9th by entering our competition on page 36 of this month's GFC Living.

The Hammer: should he be a bigger part of GFC? YOU decide!

this is packing?
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