Sunday, August 20, 2006


Antarctica debunked

Hi, Dave Antares here. I suppose it's my turn to post.

I'm sure I need no introduction to those with an interest in motorsports, having been a founder member of Barry Boyz Racing - the team that brought the diesel engine to rally driving.

More recently, like everyone, I've begun to take an interest in the internet. It's amazing what you can find out from just a few minutes surfing.

I thought I'd start by sharing what I've learned about the Earth itself. Put simply, it's flat. I mean, I can't believe I've never thought about it before. I'd been happy just to accept established science. But the internet has opened my eyes, convinced me to trust my own instincts. I've travelled. I've lived in the world.

In reality then, the Earth is shaped something like the United Nations symbol. (Come to think of it, this is probably the reason the symbol was drawn the way it is in the first place.) The traditional spherical view runs into more and more problems the further south we go. Eventually, we reach Antarctica - if indeed it does exist - evidently a continent in crisis, strung out as it must be around the entire edge of the planet. I suppose it must be a fiction. I confess to being dissapointed, as I had wanted to visit one day.

In general, though, I feel empowered - no longer relying on others to form my view of the world, although I'm still unsure how the Sun and Moon stay up there.


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